Table 13.3 Comparison Operators
Name | Description |
BETWEEN ... AND ... | Check whether a value is within a range of values |
COALESCE() | Return the first non-NULL argument |
= | Equal operator |
<=> | NULL-safe equal to operator |
> | Greater than operator |
>= | Greater than or equal operator |
GREATEST() | Return the largest argument |
IN() | Check whether a value is within a set of values |
INTERVAL() | Return the index of the argument that is less than the first argument |
IS | Test a value against a boolean |
IS NOT | Test a value against a boolean |
IS NOT NULL | NOT NULL value test |
IS NULL | NULL value test |
ISNULL() | Test whether the argument is NULL |
LEAST() | Return the smallest argument |
< | Less than operator |
<= | Less than or equal operator |
LIKE | Simple pattern matching |
NOT BETWEEN ... AND ... | Check whether a value is not within a range of values |
!= , <> | Not equal operator |
NOT IN() | Check whether a value is not within a set of values |
NOT LIKE | Negation of simple pattern matching |
STRCMP() | Compare two strings |
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